Domestic Violence / Spousal Abuse
Domestic Violence / Spousal abuse carries severe penalties in Michigan, even if a couple is not legally married. This type of domestic violence, defined as physical, sexual, psychological or emotional abuse, as well as economic coercion with an attempt to control a spouse or household member. David can assist in Domestic Violence combined with Divorce.
In the State of Michigan, Defendant’s charged with domestic violence or domestic assault must go to court, even if the victim doesn't press charges. The types of abuse and wide array of differences in the frequency and severity. Also, the past decade of national attention and staggering statistics makes Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) also known as domestic abuse charges extremely debatable for alleged offenders. National statistics from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention
Domestic Assault in Michigan
The first charge of Domestic Assault whereas you have not physically hurt anyone is a Misdemeanor. Penalties for first-time or second-time Domestic Assault conviction may include jail time, court costs and probation. In addition, the judge may order anger management, drug and alcohol testing, community service or other forms of counseling at sentencing. The third conviction is a Felony and sentences of Domestic Assault is two years in prison and fines.
Aggravated Domestic Assault is when a victim has received severe injury requiring medical attention. The first conviction falls under a misdemeanor - punishable by jail time and/or a fine. The second aggravated domestic assault charge, or subsequent, is a Felony charge. Penalties for this are at a judge’s discretion and increase in severity for circumstances.
If you receive a domestic violence charge, it’s crucial to seek an experienced domestic violence lawyer for counsel as soon as possible. If you have one previous domestic violence conviction on your record, it can be held against you in court. Unlike any other kind of criminal charges, prior charges are used against you, so domestic violence charges can be dangerous and damaging to your future.
Experienced Domestic Violence Defense Attorney
Domestic Violence / Spousal Abuse - also known and referred to by healthcare professionals as Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) has staggering statistics which leads to serious consequences for a guilty verdict.
David J. Dart has successfully defended alleged domestic violence offenders. Domestic violence victims are not only women. One in seven men has suffered abuse by an intimate violent partner in their life, according to the CDC. In addition, children exposed to domestic violence exhibit emotional, psychological, and behavioral consequences whereas the child exhibits fear, guilt, isolation, and low self-esteem.
Domestic Violence Lawyer offers Aggressive Domestic Assault Defense for Southeastern Michigan area.
A domestic violence charge could be a charge of simple assault, aggravated assault or one of several other types of criminal charges:
- Physical Attack or Sexual Assault
- Assault Battery
- Kidnapping or False Imprisonment
- Arson or Vandalism
- Extortion, Stalking
- Homicide or Attempted Homicide
When a person makes a family or household member feel afraid, intimidated, threatened or harassed it is considered Domestic Abuse. Legal ramifications for a conviction for Domestic Violence Abuse. In addition, a victim may seek legal counsel for other damages and orders.
- Temporary Restraining Order is an order issued by a judge to keep the accused away from a victim temporarily, to force the offender to move from the mutual location.
- Permanent Restraining Order (PRO) issued after a hearing or as part of the offender’s sentence. PRO can last for an indefinite amount of time.
- Civil Lawsuit – If the criminal code doesn’t account for the victim's physical and emotional damage suffered he or she can file a civil lawsuit against the offender.
- Custody Orders & Child Support – Victims can petition a judge to change a child's custody or child support order as part of a domestic violence case.
- Michigan’s Stalking Laws - Domestic Violence Case results vary with the severity and frequency of circumstances.
Real Results in all Family Law Cases
If you are faced with an emergency after hours or on the weekend and think you cannot find a lawyer, think again. All too often, a legal crisis occurs after regular business hours when most lawyers are hard to reach. David Dart understands the need for emergency legal assistance. David J. Dart P.C. is ready to handle your legal crisis whenever it occurs - day or night, weekday or weekend. Routine matters are addressed during business hours. However, if you face an emergency, if a loved one has been arrested or your children have not been returned to your care in violation of a court order, call David Dart - day or night, weekday or weekend.
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